How much it would cost to travel to Aruba

 For an average two week trip to Aruba for two people would be around $3,600, on average. Now this is obviously for people who are have a decent earning and are able to spend a little more. For a cheap trip it's an average of $1,500 for two people and two weeks. You can allows find deals for hotels, food, activities that you wan to do while there. All of those things you are able to find them for a lower cost to overall lower the total cost of your trip in general. To break it down you can pay for a hotel or rent an Air BnB, so for a hotel it'll be around $330 per night and an Air BnB can vary from $100 to $29 a night depending on how comfortable you to be. Food will vary depending where you go but an average per day could be $50 spent on food. Activities are all up to you, there are free activities that you can do or there are other activities that can range from $5 to $50 to do them but again this part is up to you if you want to do them. Last is the plane ticket, that will cost $306 per person. 


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