A Little About Me

 Hi everyone. My name is D'Angelo. I'm 19 years old, and some of my hobbies are to draw, playing soccer, and play video games in my free time. I have a dog named Daisy who I love to take walks with, she has a ton energy so she keeps me on my toes. I choose to major in Digital Media because it has many ties to drawing, for example you can go into the logo making field, or you can go into video game design. I hope everyone got to learn a little about me, my hobbies, and my dog. 


  1. 1.Which of the 5 areas needs work? Provide a brief analysis or explanation - Level 3, needs a little more time and thought into it. Some grammatical mistakes.
    2. Which of the 5 areas meets or exceeds the criteria? Provide a brief analysis or explanation
    - You did a great job by putting down the information required for the post. Love you dog by the way!
    3. What do you like most about their post? I find it pretty cool how you want to major in digital media. I am into films a lot, so I found it pretty nice. What's you favorite film?
    4. What recommendations do you have?
    - Just add a couple of more details and take your time with your posts. Overall, nice job!


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